Monday, April 19, 2010

Help! I'm a Geek and I Can't Shut Up!

First of all, I in no way want to put down Geeks in any way! I am a Geek.  There I said it,  Like admitting you are an alcoholic, this may be my first step to some sort of a cure.  My Father called me "Knobs" when I was small because no button or knob in the car was safe in my presence. I had to touch them all.  (This was before seat belts and I was free to roam about and "experience" the car to its fullest.)  In grade school, several of my friends and myself were doing a project.  We had surmised that a radio could be turned into an amplifier with the proper items.  A trip to the electronics store to obtain a microphone was the first step.  We got an old tube radio out I had and proceeded to start touching wires to bottom of the tubes. It had to be easy, find the connections to the radios amplifier, attach the mic, and whala, an amplifier.  What we neglected to remember was that this was a 110 volt device!  Several shocks and fuses later my Dad put a stop to this madness, and took away the radio. After this, all radios had to be equipped with an auxiliary speaker.  Speakers were reclaimed from out TV's and radios and to to better use as auxiliary speakers on my record players.  Not stereo yet!
Later on when computers came out, they too had to be modified , and made bigger and better.  We "Spok Locked" everyone, we "Live long and prospered" with the fingers spread into a V hand signal and the first digital car dashboard we ever saw was nicknamed "The Enterprise" and we "warped" every where we went,  in it.  I've seen every Star Trek movie and every Star Wars movie and SciFi is my favorite TV channel.  I would rather read, than play sports and play music,  rather than dance to it.
All this leads up to my newest Geekdom.  Web Search Engine Optimization SEO.  It is fascinating, and has taken my life away from me.  SEO is all I can think about!  Everywhere I go, I am telling people how they can be on the first page of Google searches.  Like they really care or even understand what I'm talking about!  Three weeks ago I would not have even thought I would Twitter or Blog.  I have had a Facebook page for several years but who would have thought these things were useful and could drive you up the search engine world.  Web advertising and backlinks and my own web domain now fill my geeky brain twenty four hours a day.  I used to get up and do yoga and meditate now I get up drink coffee and surf my Facebook page.  What is wrong with this picture?
It is obvious that I need to get control back in my life and put these tasks in some sort of order.  I see the way that my work life and my play life are becoming as one.  Synchronicity is showing itself more and more.

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